Did God Make A Mistake With Man ?
No one likes to say or even think, God has said or done anything wrong. God is a good that is true, if you study the word you may not think that has always been the case. To favor one, you have to reject another. Unlike Jesus, his father God had favorites. The original promise was given, to what we consider today as Jews. It wasn't given to all of us, unless we were owned by one of his chosen people. With the mindset we have today, all indications are we would have felt that way then. There has always been a war among the races.If you didn't happen to be a Jew, you wouldn't have considered that fair or unbiased. Thank God for Jesus, he made everyone equal heirs to the kingdom.
Regardless of what we like, we have to read what it says. I expect the non-believers to dispute the bible, but not the Christians. The idea many Christians refuse to believe, is the basis of their faith. Had man turned out the way God had planned, many of us would have been left out.There were times God wanted to completely destroy man. Wipe them from the face of the earth. He was sad that he had made them. These are the words of God:
Passage Genesis 6:6:
6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
The first attempt to straighten man out, came in the form of Noah. Many would say he was the only man worthy of saving, on the entire earth. That's not true, Noah was a man like me and you. He wasn't perfect either, but he was obedient. The only man that ever was, and ever will be perfect is Jesus Christ. Just like we have now, in our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Noah was given a second chance by the grace of God.
Passage Genesis 6:8:
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.
If it had not been for his goodness, he would have wiped man out and started from scratch. Maybe he would have left the world void of man. Since it didn't happen we don't know. We can only use our imagination. It was grace that saved Noah and gave him a second chance. It was not because he deserved it. We all fall short of the ideals of God. Even if Noah was perfect, what about his family? They were spared as well.If man was a perfect creation, there would be no need to offer salvation. Man would have done right from the start. In the beginning God gave Adam and Eve perfection they messed that up. Imagine a world with no sickness, no responsibilities. None of the things that perplex us today. Wouldn't that be great?
There was one thing given to man, to make up for his shortcomings. Since he first messed up his plight in life. We have something now that we had then. Just like many refused it then, many make the wrong choice now. We had to have something to give us another chance. Man is given a choice, to accept God or not. That was Gods way of correcting his mistake. Since man was given free will, was it really a mistake?