
This is for the topics you always wanted to talk about, but never had the nerve, or didn't want to cause controversy or confusion.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Did God Make A Mistake With Man ?

No one likes to say or even think, God has said or done anything wrong. God is a good that is true, if you study the word you may not think that has always been the case. To favor one, you have to reject another. Unlike Jesus, his father God had favorites. The original promise was given, to what we consider today as Jews. It wasn't given to all of us, unless we were owned by one of his chosen people. With the mindset we have today, all indications are we would have felt that way then. There has always been a war among the races.If you didn't happen to be a Jew, you wouldn't have considered that fair or unbiased. Thank God for Jesus, he made everyone equal heirs to the kingdom.

Regardless of what we like, we have to read what it says. I expect the non-believers to dispute the bible, but not the Christians. The idea many Christians refuse to believe, is the basis of their faith. Had man turned out the way God had planned, many of us would have been left out.There were times God wanted to completely destroy man. Wipe them from the face of the earth. He was sad that he had made them. These are the words of God:
Passage Genesis 6:6:

6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

The first attempt to straighten man out, came in the form of Noah. Many would say he was the only man worthy of saving, on the entire earth. That's not true, Noah was a man like me and you. He wasn't perfect either, but he was obedient. The only man that ever was, and ever will be perfect is Jesus Christ. Just like we have now, in our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Noah was given a second chance by the grace of God.

Passage Genesis 6:8:

8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

If it had not been for his goodness, he would have wiped man out and started from scratch. Maybe he would have left the world void of man. Since it didn't happen we don't know. We can only use our imagination. It was grace that saved Noah and gave him a second chance. It was not because he deserved it. We all fall short of the ideals of God. Even if Noah was perfect, what about his family? They were spared as well.If man was a perfect creation, there would be no need to offer salvation. Man would have done right from the start. In the beginning God gave Adam and Eve perfection they messed that up. Imagine a world with no sickness, no responsibilities. None of the things that perplex us today. Wouldn't that be great?

There was one thing given to man, to make up for his shortcomings. Since he first messed up his plight in life. We have something now that we had then. Just like many refused it then, many make the wrong choice now. We had to have something to give us another chance. Man is given a choice, to accept God or not. That was Gods way of correcting his mistake. Since man was given free will, was it really a mistake?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas To All

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Give Us Barabbas

I couldn't find this passage anywhere, but I knew it was there. I was not spelling the name correctly. It is ironic that you don't get any assistance with spiritual questions. Even among other believers you don't get very much help. I have access to the spell check function. Which normally gives derivative spellings, or corrects mistakes. When I mispelled the name Barabbas, I got no help.When I finally spelled it right, there was a wealth of information. Which gave me the study tools necessary to write this subject. For those who are exact, and meticulous in their observations. Here is the scripture that was used :

Luke 23:18 (Whole Chapter)
And they cried out all at once, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas:

I wanted to post exactly what was written,so we would have an example to go by. The title doesn't quote the scripture exactly. I think it's clear what the title means. It seems that those who challenge Christianity as well as authority, seem to harp on not repeating exactly what was written.In todays lingo we would probably say "give us Barabbas". The Jews chose the imprisoned murderer, Barabbas over Jesus Christ. That is very much the attitude we have today.The people of the world are willing to accept anything, other than what's right. We would go to war for someone like,Stanley "Tookie" Williams. Yet we entertain the idea of closing the churches on Christmas. Why do we choose good over bad? Were we as a people in that same situation. I wonder would we say "give us Barabbas"?

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Who Is Ceasar

Christians conveniently misinterpret this scripture, when it comes to temporal issues. All power put in place is allowed by God. Whether we like whose in charge or not. The scripture in question is :

Matthew 22:21 (Whole Chapter) They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Most peole would interpret this as only being about taxes. The subject was taxes, but it was used as a parable. Parables are something used "to convey a message to true believers". It confuses and defies logic, to the non-believers. Remember this was an attempt by the Pharisees to confuse Jesus. They were inquiring as to,whether they should pay taxes to Ceasar. Jesus asked them whose picture was on their money? Were they willing to throw their money away, in reverence to God? No one was willing then, just as they aren't now. You can't use God to pick and choose the laws you want to follow. Jesus never taught us to disregard the law. The laws and ordinances of your municipality are to be obeyed. Unless they interfere with your obedience to God.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Is Oral Sex A Sin ?

My purpose is not to defend the act, it's between the individuals. My major point is, it's not my business anyway. What you and your spouse do privately, is between the two of you. We may not like it personally, but it is not a sin. In the context that some people view it, of course it is wrong. Scripture teaches us it is better to marry than to burn. Few people are choosing abstinence over fornication. What happens if something happens to your mate, before you reach sexual maturity? What if your mate becomes disabled or sick? All oral stimulation isn't motivated by pornography. Some men and women don't like doing it, but they don't mind having it done. That would be considered as a perversion. It's the spirit in which it occurs. In our carnal minds we make oral sex, obscene and nasty.
This is a prime example of us making judgement. It's easy to harp on another persons actions, if you don't like to do it yourself. In the past a persons livelihood, disqualified them from the kingdom according to man. Remember how they avoided the tanner Simon, simply because they didn't like the smell. I don't discount your teachings, they are relevant. If these actions are motivated by perversion. For those in another situation, they may need a word of consolation. Being saved doesn't make you frigid. It only conditions you to take your fleshly desires under control. If you want to go deeper in the bible. It would be better not to have a mate at all.
1 Corinthians 7
1 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman

No one is trying to do that, except the Catholic preists. As we can see, they haven't done too good. We often try to operate as though we were perfect, that's not the case. God has made provisions for his children in every situation. He knew in spite of your best intentions, you would fall short. Sodomy in the bible didn't have the same versatile meaning as it does in society now. Because you don't approve of it personally, doesn't make it a sin.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Give A Description Of Jesus

I was asked to give a description of Jesus. I gave the usual explanation of Revelations 1:13-19, and 19: 11-16. This person drew my attention, to what I feel is an oversite on my part. Most people have only investigated, as far as they have been told. They heard enough to satisfy their curiosity, and they left it at that. Most people haven't actually taken time to read the entire story for themselves. Revelations is the least read and understood book, in the entire bible. Revelations are the epistles of Jesus Christ himself. Why would Jesus need a description of himself?

I know I'm not the first person, to come to this revelation. I honestly hadn't read it, to get full understanding before now. I have used this scripture many times, to prove a point I thought. Without anyone ever calling my hand. They obviously hadn't read it either. I'm guilty of quickly dismissing the opinions, of non-believers and Muslims. Now I realize I was as wrong as they were. After much study and meditation, I've come to this conclusion. The holy bible doesn't give a description of Jesus.

Fornication To Fiancee *

I heard a minister speak on how the church has changed, over the years. This minister wasn't very old, so we aren't talking about a huge span of time here. It just shows the rapid propulsion, with which we have sunk to our present level. I was looking around at the things that are acceptable, and common in churches today. The length of things in question, is quite long. Too long to try and talk about here.One thing that I thought best summarized the discussion, is a quote by Paula White. I don't know if she was the first, or even the only one to say it. She was the one given the credit though. She said "we have started calling our sex partners something different". The people we sleep with for extended periods of time, out of wed-lock. We have gone from "fornication to fiancee". That is the title, we now give our long standing bed partners. If you don't think she was right. Look at those you know, who have been engaged several times. Not to mention those who have been with their present partner for several years. Still calling them their fiance or fiancee. I mention them both because one applies to a man and one to a woman. It crosses gender lines.Talking about a future marriage, that never comes. Fiancees and fiances don't remain one indefinitely, they become spouses. If you're sleeping with someone you aren't married to. It's simply called fornication.

King David, was he Gay?

This is in regards to a post on The question was whether or not "King David was a bi-sexual". I think I should make my position clear on this issue. Certain people have made it a point of assigning other posters viewpoints. Some that want to portray the question as a homosexual driven agenda. For starters this is a loaded question. To say he is bi-sexual, implies he was having sex with both men and women. The bible never discusses him having sex with anyone. I don't know whether David was bi-sexual or not. Just like no one else, on this forum does. I must say as a man today, some aspects of his behavior raises questions. That's not where the issue of homosexuality was first addressed though, it started in Leviticus 18:22. We had already been given instructions, in regards to that sin early on. To act as though it couldn't possibly be. Is presumptious, if not cowardice on believers part. This is a question that theologians, for the most part don't bother to discuss. Those that do, have different translations. Mainly reflecting the time in which they spoke. Just like the issue of gambling. Since we should already know. There wasn't a need to address it again in the story of David and Jonathon. If you thought he was or wasn't, you knew what his actions should have been. It's kind of like an alcoholic taking a drink. As long as he doesn't take a drink, he's alright. The minute he does, he's right back where he started. Therefore making it open and shut, whenever the issue of homosexuality comes up. Once someone repents, there slate is wiped clean. So what one did in the past won't be held against them now. People can think what they want to. It's between you and God. So whether David was bi-sexual or not, we don't know. We don't have it in the word. All we know is he loved God, and was commited. In spite of what he may have wanted, he obeyed Gods word. That's what we need to know and learn.To understand this relationship, you have to go all the way back to Samuel. He was the last example of the preisthood as they knew it. They were no longer governed strictly by the rules of the lord. Saul and David became king as a result, of the people of Israel pulling away from God. Samuel was the last prophet, to the people after their deliverance. Remember him being told, it wasn't his fault? It was the people of Israel not him, that chose their way. The same God that chose David, appointed Saul too. Saul didn't want to be king, he had other things he wanted to do. They had to go find him. The people of Israel wanted to be like the other nations. Instead of following God, they wanted a king. That's how Saul came to be king. His disobedience to the lord,caused him his kingdom eventually. In a final attempt to rectify him, Saul was told to destroy all traces of the Amalekites. In his greed and selfishness, he followed his own mind. Saul was disobedient again, that's how David became king. Had Saul been obedient, Jonathan would have been next in line for the throne. Why didn't God just wait for that to happen? There would have been less for us to wonder about. We wouldn't be having this discussion now. He had done it before. It's not like he was in a hurry. God uses everyone to carry out his will. The good,the bad,and even the homosexual. Let's not pretend the people of the bible were perfect. Nothing is new under the sun. Look what David did later with Uriah. That dispels the notion, that he was above reproach. Fifty even twenty-five yrs. ago, this wouldn't have been a topic. We didn't discuss issues of sexuality in the bible, or the church. Though we know it existed. There has always been that Guy in the choir, that shouted a little too much. Only he has company and comfort in 2005. The word of God is timeless. It always will, and always has applied. Sexuality wasn't at the forefront, like it is now. With same sex marriage, and gay couples adopting children. Molestation cover-ups being revealed, in the Catholic church. Openly gay ministers leading congregations. Even homosexuals being ordained as Bishops. It's time the body of Christ spoke out, if believers have questions. As we become more mature in our faith, we're asking more questions. The only dumb question is one you don't ask. This story really isn't about sexuality. It's about obedience. Whatever your wishes are, if you want to be rewarded. You must obey the laws of God.

Idolizing Iniquity

Today I heard a young man wish a accused criminal good luck. Not God bless you, or I wish you the best. I know everyone doesn't share my faith. Still the callousness is alarming. He had no regard for whether the man was guilty or not. Just that he thought he wouldn't be convicted, even though we know he is guilty. He expects him to be set free, with an entrapment defense. After all they have him on camera, putting money in his pocket. Do we congratulate a killer, because he beat the charge? Because the caliber of the murder weapon was wrong, on the police report. When we saw him kill the victim with our own eyes. The young man made a statement, that knocked me off my feet. He said he wished this man was his stepfather, or his uncle. I still haven't figured out why he said stepfather and not father. Unless his father is even a bigger crook than this man. Based on what he said, I don't think that was the case. I took that unfortunately, as an indication of his mentality.I heard two things in that short conversation that troubled me. Are we raising our young people not to even expect a stable homelife. Is being dysfunctional, what we've come to accept. Do young people not even expect, to have a father in the home? Looking to their uncles and mothers friends, to fill in the gaps. We see the affects of this type of thinking everyday. Our young people making heroes of, at best shady characters. When I was growing up, I wanted to be like my father. I hope I have this same effect on my child. It makes you more aware of how you carry yourself. When you know someone is watching you.Are we just rolling the dice, when it comes to morality?Are we saying do anything, as long as you don't have to pay? Notice I said "pay" and not "get caught". People don't care about getting caught, as long as they don't go to jail. Time befitting of the crime. The two aren't always synonymous. Unfortunately justice temporarily has a price. If you don't get caught in the wash. It'll catch you in the rinse. I see some people that think being on paper, is something to brag about. That's why 201 Poplar has become like a revolving door for some. Paying for what, law abiding citizens are doing for free. Walking free on the city streets. I know it looks attractive to take the shortcuts. If those that have been there would tell the truth. They would admit you save time and heartache. When you do it right.Those are just a couple of things, I observed in regards to our youth. What's even worse. It's not just the young people. It's some older people too. In both cases, they're getting older with this way of thinking. The X generation have children themselves now. A younger generation with even less direction. I hope we can turn this mindset around. If we don't, we won't have much of a chance. Especially if like we think, the odds are against us now.


This is for the topics you always wanted to ask about, but never had the nerve. I always get involved in conversations other people avoid. Not that these things shouldn't be discussed. You just have to do it discreetly. I am a Christian so I have to be careful that my intentions aren't misconscrued. People wait for the oppurtunity to stand in judgement, of someone else. For those people that aren't perfect, and you wondered why. This is the place to ask why. Or tell us if you know.
