
This is for the topics you always wanted to talk about, but never had the nerve, or didn't want to cause controversy or confusion.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Mission Statement


Mission Statement

This Blog exists to provide a non-judgmental, relevant atmosphere; to introduce all people regardless of race, sex, or culture, to a personal and dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ; to encourage personal growth through teaching, caring, and sharing of our spiritual gifts.

Statement of Belief

I believe both the Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God, revealing the three Persons of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I believe in the incarnation and virgin birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as true God and true man.

I believe man is redeemed by grace through faith in Christ's vicarious atonement for sins, the shedding of His blood on the Cross.

I believe the gift of eternal life is available to all men; that those who receive Christ by faith are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

I believe in the bodily resurrection of Christ, His imminent return, and the resurrection of His people.


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