
This is for the topics you always wanted to talk about, but never had the nerve, or didn't want to cause controversy or confusion.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Who Is Ceasar

Christians conveniently misinterpret this scripture, when it comes to temporal issues. All power put in place is allowed by God. Whether we like whose in charge or not. The scripture in question is :

Matthew 22:21 (Whole Chapter) They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Most peole would interpret this as only being about taxes. The subject was taxes, but it was used as a parable. Parables are something used "to convey a message to true believers". It confuses and defies logic, to the non-believers. Remember this was an attempt by the Pharisees to confuse Jesus. They were inquiring as to,whether they should pay taxes to Ceasar. Jesus asked them whose picture was on their money? Were they willing to throw their money away, in reverence to God? No one was willing then, just as they aren't now. You can't use God to pick and choose the laws you want to follow. Jesus never taught us to disregard the law. The laws and ordinances of your municipality are to be obeyed. Unless they interfere with your obedience to God.


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