
This is for the topics you always wanted to talk about, but never had the nerve, or didn't want to cause controversy or confusion.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I'm Not Afraid Of You

My pastor preached a sermon on last Sunday, that rings true repeatedly. I notice all these young unwed mothers walking around, like teenage pregnancy is a right of passage. Many times our society subsidizes this type of behavior. You see them in the shopping centers from the 1st, to the 5th of the month. Getting their hair and nails done, and spending their government checks. In our pursuit of equality, we have erased requirements for rewards. People have come to expect something for nothing. They think the world owes them a good living. Whether they do anything to get it or not. This creates a subculture that impedes the well being of others. You shouldn't get a helping hand, for breaking the rules. This isn't exclusive to young ladies. It applies to young men too. They're just not as noticeable. Unfortunately it's not just young people either. There are some older people guilty too.

If you can't read, it's you that can't understand a contract. So when you go to school and don't take advantage. It only hurts you, not those teaching you. If you go to school twelve years, and can't read and write. I'm not afraid of you, but I'll be watching you. I can't trust you, you probably are a thief. If your lawyer is keeping you out of jail. Because you manage to come up with his fee. You're not free, you're just on paper. I'm not afraid of you. Your money will eventually run out. Then you'll go to jail, and we'll be rid of you. After you've help make some lawyer rich. If you bought a new car and paid twenty-one percent interest. That's nothing to brag about. It just means your credit is shot. If you can't walk without, pulling up your pants. That should be uncomfortable. If your radio is so loud. Other people can hear it in their houses. We're not afraid, but we are tired of your lack of consideration. In the future, you won't know it though. You won't be able to hear our complaints. Your hearing will be gone. If you're a parent that gangbangs, with your children. We need to know who you are. Measures are being enacted all over the country, to rid communities of this type resident . Systematically they're being herded up like cattle. Driven out of certain areas. These misguided people don't see the writing on the wall. Maybe it's good they don't. If you are on the wrong side of this equation, or either you're an enabler. It's you I'm speaking about. Don't get it twisted. And start taking our kindness for weakness. I'm not afraid, but I am tired. Based on recent developments, other are as well.


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