How Old, Is To Old Too Date ?
People want to know, when should they should stop dating? At least they claim they do, but they really don't. According to the bible, once a woman reaches the age of sixty(threescore). That shouldn't be her main focus anymore. Like it obviously is, for some older women. If you have to ask this question, you're probably too old. People don't want to be considered out of order, so they keep it under cover. But that doesn't make them stop doing, what they're doing. The bible never says a man, is to old to have a younger woman. That doesn't give him license, to be a dirty old man though. His position of authority is to provide protection, not to make prey. People with their own agendas will take that, and twist it to their advantage. As long as a man is able to reproduce, he can have a childbearing wife. We know the window of opportunity for a woman to have children. Is smaller and closes before, that of a man. If he follows the other guidelines, laid out in the bible. The effects of nature will handle that. Older men and women, should lead by example.
Back to the question at hand, please forgive me. I just couldn't pass up the chance, to offer that bit of background. I know women don't want to hear this, but they control this. Without the subjection of a woman, real men wouldn't have the chance to err. The reason I specify real men, is because there is a difference. Just like real men, there are real women. You can be either a male or a female, but that doesn't make you real. That's what we're concerned with. Those who want the real solution. Not the ones looking for a answer to suit them. This is what the bible says:
1 Timothy
9Let not a widow be taken into the number under threescore years old, having been the wife of one man.
I like to read two verses before, and two verses after the one in question. To get a more complete, and contextual understanding. This doesn't mean once you reach the age of sixty, you should become a hermit. It just means at that point you should be more concerned with the image you portray . As my grandmother would say. "It's not that hot. The snap on that pocketbook has been broke".